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Pass Protect Banner final
Address Biased Policing: As members of the Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency, we are advocating for San Diego’s Mayor and City Councilmembers to pass the PrOTECT Ordinance. PrOTECT (or Preventing Overpolicing Through Equitable Community Treatment) seeks to address invasive policing practices used disproportionately to stop, search and interrogate people from Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities, the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, and people from other marginalized communities. PrOTECT will require San Diego police to have probable cause in order to stop, ask for identification, question, and/or search an individual. The ordinance will also limit stops for equipment violations.


Here’s how you can take action to help #EndTheStops and #PassPrOTECT: