Click Here to Donate to Support the MLK Breakfast

On January 19, 2009, we will come together and celebrate the life of Dr. King and his vision of a world in which the human rights of all are respected and protected. We stand with those who share that vision and with those who seek to build bridges between and among communities to create a better world.

The passage of Proposition 8, which denies LGBT couples their human right to marry, and the subsequent escalation of violence against the LGBT community is one reminder, a painful reminder, that we still have far to go in respecting and protecting the rights of all. If we are to fully realize the vision of Dr. King, we must come together across our differences to create a world in which our children are safe and free regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, religion, disability, nationality, and sexual orientation.

In that spirit, the ACLU and its LGBT allies and friends are actively raising money to help sponsor the MLK Breakfast that will be held downtown in Golden Hall on January 19th. Please join us by adding your donation to this important event and help us build bridges for a better future.

Click Here to Donate to Support the MLK Breakfast

In addition to making a donation in support of the event, we invite you to buy tickets to attend the event. Ticket information is available at